Saturday, June 16, 2012

BOOK THOUGHTS: Snow White and the Huntsman by Lily Blake!

Snow White and the Huntsman
Snow White and the Huntsman by Lily Blake

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I did it!! I finished the book before I saw the movie at 5:00pm today.

You know what? I loved the book and the movie. Charlize Theron is a wonderful actress and she went hard as the Evil Queen "Ravenna". Chris Hemsworth *Swoon* I love him and as "Eric" he was perfect. I can't see anyone replacing him. Now onto Snow White... Snow... Oh, Snow... Kristin... Snow... WHY? To be honest I still don't think she brought anything to "Snow White". I'm sorry Twilighters but she will forever be Bella frickin Swan. I wish they would have gotten Malese Jow. She would have made a wonderful Snow White. The movie was great, I loved the score, all of the actors except for Kristin. I loved her In "The Runaways" and "Panic Room" but not as Snow White. I also heard it will be a trilogy. What??? how? and why? The movie ended and everything is well. Why two more movies? how in the fuck will they pull this shit off?? I don't get it. I honestly don't get how there will be two more movies. It's insane.

The novel is a tie-in to the motion picture. What does this mean? it means that the author Lily Blake took the script and worked it into novel form. Lily Blake! you did a spectacular job converting the script into a book. I applaud you tremendously! The book was fast paced, full of action, and I couldn't stop reading it. Why can't more authors write books like this? the character development was perfect, the story line was set, and the writing was freaking awesome. Even though this is a novelization of a movie, it has become one of my favorites of 2012. This book was 220 pages, did you hear that kiddos? 220 pages! not 500, not 900, not 1000, 220 pages. And what a bomb ass 220 paged book that was. If there are any others besides me out there reading this, take pointers from Lily's writing, she knows how to give you everything in a small amount and I hope to read one of her own books soon. This is my opinion, you may hate the book and the movie but that is all you. I enjoyed both but I loved the book more. Also, there are differences with the book and the movie. Some things are explained better in the book and there are more scenes. All thanks to the writer.

Read the book before you see the movie! :)


View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. Hey found yeah, I think you gave a pretty solid review and a took a lot of guts to admit that you didn't like Kristen wasn't a best choice. I honestly did not know that this was based off a book.
